Monte Dolack Fine Art

Great Bear

By Monte Dolack

Image size: 26.5" x 20"
Paper size: 25" x 31"
Year: 1991


All posters are now available exclusively from Frame of Mind. Please purchase posters on their website. All other artwork is available on this website.

The image on this poster is from an original acrylic painting showing the layers of history, natural and human, relating to the grizzly bear. It was also available as a Pendleton Woolen Mills soft Merino wool blanket created with the Glacier National Park Conservancy but these blankets are sold out.

Many people recognize the Great Bear as a Montana State license plate.

"Curiously the image of the Bear appears only once in Lascaux where there is a predominance of aurochs, bison, horses, red deer and felines.  In nearby southeastern France the recently discovered and even older Chauvet Cave has a great many Bear paintings.

I began collecting bear images from all sources I could find. The Chauvet Cave bear images are among the oldest and most compelling. The published photographs of the Chauvet bear paintings proved most inspirational to me. The Chauvet caves remain closed to visitation but my experience at Lascaux gave an insight as to how they may appear.

My work had been influenced by ancient art, myth and cultural symbols prior to the visit but afterward the influence was far more pronounced and found it’s way into many recent and current paintings including Great Bear, which is used by Vital Ground to promote their conservation efforts."

Monte Dolack

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Monte Dolack Fine Art — features the art work of Montana artists Monte Dolack and Mary Beth Percival.